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New Jersey Conference Branch

Women's Missionary Society Annual Day

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Online registration is the preferred method of registration. Please register at the link below, which will take you to If you cannot register online, please download the mail-in registration. Late registration has been extended to March 27, 2024.

Lunch Order Form

If you would like to have lunch with the WMS for $35, please fill out the form and submit to your Area Chair.

Helpful Information for Registration

Online Registration

Please note that at the top of the registration, it defaults to the $37.50 for the person who has paid their dues.  If you have not paid your dues, you must click the $47.50 to pay your dues with your registration. The extra $2.50 is to pay for the registration cost with 


Helpful Tips-

  1. The Country code is 01

  2. Hyphens (-) do not work. If you have a hyphenated name, please put the name together without the hyphen.

  3. Click at the top of the form for regular registration $37.50 or $47.50 to include your annual conference dues

  4. You may register more than one person if you wish. After filling in the first attendee, at the bottom, click on "Add Attendee" and the next form will appear indicating a second attendee. Do not pay until you have entered in the desired number of persons.


Mail-In Registration

It is recommended that instead of doing a mail-in application, the Local President is encouraged to collect the money from a member who cannot or does not have access to and then complete the online registration for them. However, if that is not possible, then the mail-in application should be mailed to Sis. Josephine Horton and she will input your completed form. Please print clearly.

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